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When child custody gets into the mix of divorce, the case is fought at court and outside and if your lawyer doesn’t have the required expertise in handling such emotionally charged cases then it will give your opposition an edge as check on emotion is essential when handling such cases and there is no room for emotion in a court of law. Mothers normally have an edge when it comes to child custody and the court would direct the father biological or not to take care of the expenses if he has the capability to do so however it has also happened that the court has granted custody to the father to take care of the child when local child services have not given a favorable report on the conduct of the mother to take care of the child.

The lawyer whom you have authorized to represent you should be a master in multiple modules of family law apart from divorce as the chances of amalgamation of different laws is possible when handling divorce cases. If you have decided to get married and you are not sure of your partner it is important that you take advice from your Divorce Attorneys and draft a prenuptial agreement. When a dispute arises either due to the alimony or child custody and none of the parties are ready to accept the solution of the other then the case is fought in front of judge so that the jury decides on whom to grant the motion.

uncontested divorce singapore

When you are going through divorce that doesn’t seem to moving amicably it is important that you make a choice of a law firm to strengthen your standing in the uncontested divorce singapore. Choosing a law firm can be tricky as there are many law firms in the market, chances for success increases when the choice of law firm is made with fame of their goodwill. Please review websites on business listing to have a clear picture on the law firm that will serve your interest best.